Anti-Violence Happenings

July 11, 2023

By Categories: News

We have some exciting news for everyone. We will be publishing our radio topics on a weekly basis.


Radio Show?

Yes, we host a weekly radio show on Sundays at 11 am, streaming on WYML.US, if you want to listen at the time the radio show airs. Every Sunday afternoon, the radio show will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel as a podcast. Please like, subscribe and share, as it really helps the channel.

Upcoming Radio Show on July 9, 2023

We will be airing a series of how Explorer Programs of the Boy Scouts of America sets up leaders. We will be interviewing medical professionals, law enforcement, and CEOs. Our next episode will feature Retired Skokie Police Officer Walter Trentadue, who was an advisor for the Skokie Police Explorer Program and Retired Winnetka Police Chief Marc Hornstein, who was an explorer with Marcus Melnick.

Last week’s episode was about the Boy Scouts of America Explorer Program. We featured Jeff Isaacs (CEO of the Pathway to Adventure Council) and Dr. Kristen Vogt (Explorer Director of the same council).

You can catch the show on Sundays at 11 am, streaming at WYML.US or catch episodes on our YouTube Podcast. Shows are uploaded every Sunday afternoon following the airing on radio.

July Classes

We recently partnered with a new range and gun store. RMG Guns is where we will conduct public class qualifications. To celebrate, for a limited time, the range fee will be included in the cost of the class. Our next classes are:

Two Day Initial Concealed Carry Certification 7/22-7/23/23.

5 Year Recertification 7/23/23

Legal Update

Gun Owners of America (GOA) obtained a stay on Biden’s pistol brace ban for its members.

As of July 1, all person to person firearms transfers have to go through a gun dealer. They can charge no more than $25 per party.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Contact us by going to If you scroll down, you will see the image below. I highlighted “Save To Contacts,” so people can save our contact info right into their phone. Let us be your phone a friend.